Employer Branding Funnel
We know how tough it is to attract new talents. We see the challenges. We understand that today, it's more important than ever for businesses to have a strong employer brand.

A specialized copywriting service to help you create a funnel that attracts the best talent as honey attracts ants. 

Ants are known for their hardworking and collaborative nature. At Article Ants, we embody these traits to help our clients achieve their goals. Here’s how our Employer Branding copywriting service can help your business.


Three Buzzworthy Blog Posts.

Our talented copywriters will craft three high-quality blog posts that showcase your company’s unique employer branding. We help you create a strong, effective and unique employer brand to capture the attention of the best talent in your industry. 

Marketing Funnel Creation.

We’ll build a funnel that leads potential candidates to a short form where they can provide their email address. Just like ants work together to build their colonies, we’ll collaborate with you to design a funnel that drives results and brings in top talent.


Custom Email Flow.

Our professional copywriters will create a customized email flow that will keep your candidates engaged and attract them towards applying to your open positions. We make sure that each email is on-brand and reflects your values.


Take your employer branding to the next level and build a colony of talented employees.